Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Twin Sis

ramai plk yg menegur ari ni...
most of the time..if aku p mne2 with my sis...ade je org pandang2...smpai ter yg belum taw...mesti korg pelik ape yg aku merepek di petang ari ni kan...haha...klu nk taw..meh cni aku bgtaw...
org tegur and pandang2 kami bkn sbb kami ni ARTIS...(gile perasan aku ni) hahaha
it's because we are TWIN...

menurut wikipedia...A twin is one of two offspring produced in the same pregnancy...twin can either be identical, meaning that terjadi nye dr 1 zygote and then it slits jd 2 embryos, or fraternal meaning that terjadinya dr two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm.

soalan biase di aju kn kepada pasangan kembar...
1. eh kembar ke?
    - ha'ah kami kembar...
2. best x jd kembar?
   - biase2 aje....
3. ape perbezaan korg ni?
   - huhu..tgk la sndri...
4. ambil jurusan yg same ke?
   - ha'ah...U same, jurusan same, class same, rumah yg same, bilik pon same..... :p
5. wah...sume same...mesti korg x leh dipisah kan kan?
   - hehe..dah rezeki dpt same....

but to me, kitorg x de la same sgt..even mak kate kitorg ni identical twin...
byk bnde yg membeza kan kitorg...antara nye perbezaan personality....
muke pon ade beza percaye or tidak..still ramai lg mmbr aku yg x leh beza kan antare aku n echa..haha...owh well...korg tgk la sendiri ye...huhu

owh ye...check out Echa's blog here....

Monday, April 4, 2011

PGN 2011

hello u alls.....ape kbr?hopefully sht hendak nye...aku x bape sht la..byk penyakit...selsema la, batuk la mcm2 la....hukhuk...anyway...entry kali ni nk cite psl PGN!ala pre graduation night..huhu...rabu lepas (30 march) kami sekelas di jemput menghadiri PGN...pnt blk dr trip ke ganu pon lom ilang...ade PGN plk....fuh mmg aku panic..sbb aku lupe rabu tu ade PGN....supposedly PGN ni for dak2 part 5....but kami yg part 6 ni dijemput hadir walaupun time part 5 dah pegi dah...sbb kami x de dapat g 2 yg pening nye die pnye tema....tema sem nie EASTERN WARRIOR!haaaaaa.....gile ssh nk crk aku decide to go against the theme...haha...lantak la...yg penting aku pegi n perut pon kenyang sbb mkn free...heee....lg 1 yg buat aku exited is because that night was our last Dinner with my lovely BM230 6A friends....yela...tggl bape mggu je lg nk abes study...then kami sume akan go our separate ways...but hopefully we all will stay in u guys so much!hukhuk...touching plk tibe2...huhu..yela...byk kenangan kami bersame...hukhuk...
so here are some pics at that evening....enjoy....

with syu

mak andam yg lovely friend nana

with rus

ade mcm malaysia next top model x?haha!

with abg seniorrrr...irwan

with atin

with wani

hang acha minum air sirup...glup2

with dak tecikkk...aziera

anak2 jamaludin..heee~

with shafwan...ehem2... <3

with my twin sis...echa

with modern warrior...izham

with syamir

with anisa...anis & nyssa


Trip to Terengganu

hey's it going?hope u all sume sht i would like to write about my clss trip 2 TERENGGANU....yeayyyyyy!finally pas 3 thn bljr kt uitm skrg dpt rase g trip....dl rase g trip time zaman muda mudi je....time skola dulu2..ahaks....anyway....atas tiket subject ECONOMIC ISSUES...kitorg 1 clss dpt la g trip tu ganu....hoho...suke sgt...sbb dah lme sgt x g ganu....last g pon singgah jap je sbb my cousin kawen kt kelantan..hukhuk...btw...our trip ni consist of about 60 people including 2 lectures yg sporting habes...kami g 2 bas..sbb ramai sgt..hakahak....kami g 4 hari 3 malam...tggl kt homestay As sgt kt at pasar payang n kampung losong....ha?beli ape?mesti la beli batik and kopok lekor....huhuhu...best2....x lupe jgk kenangan g lepak kt pantai batu buruk....fuhhh mengancam....although agak nervous tgk ombak besar semacam....almaklum la musim ujan....lepas je kitorg gerak blk...terengganu terus banjir...fuhhh...naseb baik x banjir time kitorg ade kt sne...if x...abes sume activity x dpt di jalan kan..huhu...k lah..enough celoteh....enjoy the pics.....daaaaaa~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SUPER SHOW 3 Super Junior Asian Tour 2011 MALAYSIA

hellow ladies and you all already know...last Saturday...i've gone to the SS3 concert at Bukit Jalil...the concert was freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!all the SUJU boys are so cute as was mind blowing to see them performed live in front of me...hehe...i have so much fun dancing and sing a long with here are some pictures at the concert....enjoy~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dilema dtg lg...

before this aku ade post psl dilema aku sama ada nk beli tiket concert suju or SE x10....dilema 2 dah settle sbb parents aku dah bnr aku beli both of them...but dilema came and bite me at my butt....concert suju clash dgn course dinner!!!!!what da hell! nape sume ni terjadi....hukhuk....i really want to go to SUPER JUNIOR  concert coz they does not came to Malaysia often....but at the same time i want to go to my course dinner coz it will be my last dinner together with my dah final sem...although the date of my course dinner might change coz it has not been confirm yet...but still...what should i do if the dinner is on the same night as the concert as been told earlier?...oh dear! what should i do now?!
pre grad nite last!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Ampang Hill

some people said that KL ni kecik je....but have u ever see the whole KL in one day?
well u can do that by going to the Ampang Hill a.k.a Look Out Point, Ampang...smlm (29/jan/2011), lepas bersiar2 di Lowyatt, Sg Wang and Time Square with my homies...we decided nk singgah Ampang Hill sblm hantar Shaz blk umh die kat Pandan Indah...we all mmg x taw jln nk g kitorg tnye abg Petronas...die siap pesan...baik2 kt sne...ramai org...huhu...mmg ramai maklum la ari sabtu...1st kitorg g kt Restaurant kt puncak..mknn kt sne mhl to those who wishes nk mkn kt sane..make sure to bring extra money...hehe...view is sooo nice...romantic habes...pas snap some pics..kitorg decide nk trun blk and g kt perhentian kt lereng bukit...byk kete park kt ctu..mknn murah2 pon byk..pas beli mknn n snap pic sket...datang la mat2 rempit...kacau ketenteraman maklum la..jam dah kol 11 lebih...cuak gile...ape lg..kitorg pon blah dr ctu....
here are some pic yg smpt di snap...heeee~

terjah Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

lme x update blog kn..huhu..bkn nye x de bhn..cme x berkesempatan nk update....
entry kali ni nk cite psl 1st day cuti iaitu pd 28/jan 2011 bersamaan dgn ari jumaat..sblum 2..mmg ade plan nk ber"hoba2" ngn my besties but ramai yg x dpt join sbb bz kate tinggal la kami ber5 iaitu me,echa,syu,wani n atin...mule2 plan nk g Lake Garden melencong pulak ke Bukit Tinggi...serious mmg x plan...biase la...masing2 otak "gile2"...x pk ape...pakai terjah je la..huhu..alhamdulillah perjalanan lancar...walaupon ade mcm2 halangn....purse echa tertinggal la...brek berasap la...sanggut jem la...kelaparan la..kne kejar anjing la...mcm2 lah...hmm..walaupun x cukup seronok sbb kuota x time msti kne g nk make sure kuota cukup....kpd saie,ely,aziera,ira,acha n time kite g ye....
so here are some pics yg smpt di snap pd hari kejadian...ENJOY....

Friday, January 28, 2011

HaPpY HoLiDaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW weee~
it's here! it's here!mid term break is here! haha...suke perasaan bercampur baur la..hmm...happy ade..sad pon ade...happy sbb dah cuti.. but a piece of my heart feeling sad coz i'm not able to go back to my home town....byk gile assgmnt and plus my FYP!...arghhhhh..klu blk kmpg...confirm x buat punyer...hukhuk....sad jgk coz gonna miss my lovely friends yg blk ke kmpg halaman masing2....duhhh jeles pesanan to all my fellow friends especially my clssmates....happy holiday...happy 2 happy jgk but dont forget to do ur FYP and also all the assgmnt given by our lectures....huhu....happy holiday u guyzzzzz!!!!


with L.O.V.E...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Suke suki~

just nk share some pics..but 1st nk cite dulu...huhu
smlm bersamaan dgn 22 jan 2011 merupakan slh satu hari yg sgt boring...bkn sbb x de kje nk faktor keMALASan menguasai mengisi hari yg boring and my housemates decided nk pegi SUK seksyen 6, Shah Alam utk wat photoshoot...haha...ala bkn photoshoot btl pon..just amature photoshoot which all things kitorg wat sndri...dr makeup artist, camera man, wardrobe design, props sumenye sendirian yg x aci nye pic sy sndri cikit je..sbb sy yg byk pick up cam utk snap pics..owh least we have so much fun yesterday...BEST!! enjoy some pics yg sempat di snap smlm...


Hey guys...i'm new in this blogging world...terpengaruh ngn my lovely housemates...haha...
so to all blogger out there yg dah "senior"....sile beri tunjuk ajar..heee~

Pengenalan Diri...
My name is Siti Khadijah Jamaludin..but u guys kan call me Dija...i'm going to be 23 this 25 May 2011(nnt bg hadiah ye)..currently studying BBA Business Economic at UiTM Shah Alam..and now i'm in my last semester here in UiTM..and i'm originally from Kluang, Johor...